
Pamela Krch, PhD, 目前教授HIST 131和HIST 132, pre- and post-Civil War United States History; HIST 405, Introduction to Public History; History of the American West; and Environmental History of the United States. 她的兴趣是二十世纪的美国, including the American West; Borderlands; Native American with an emphasis on twentieth century and Navajo history; and Public History.

Krch自2018年以来一直在pp电子极速糖果任教. 此前,她在德克萨斯大学埃尔帕索分校教授南北战争后的美国历史. 此外,她还在公共历史领域工作. Her many Public History experiences include working as a contract researcher; researching a neighborhood branding project; exploring archival work; designing museum exhibits; and conducting, 记录和总结口述历史.

她非常相信强调共享权威和互动学习的教学. 她努力尽自己最大的能力,为那些在大学教育中面临挑战的学生们树立榜样和指导.

Krch目前正在修改一篇文章, 《西比尔·亚兹和纳瓦霍女画家的沉默故事,供出版. 她还在修改自己的论文,准备发表.